Career Center
Are we a good fit for each other?
In just a moment you will be able to begin our online application and testing exam. Before you begin we urge you to read the following attributes we're looking for in a new hire to ensure that we do not inadvertently waste each other's time.
We're looking for a commitment to learn our platform and accounts. Don't underestimate the time and effort it might take to learn a new transcription platform and account. It's a lot of work from our side too. Assume it will take one week of solid effort.
We need to be more than just a backup plan. We don't have to be your top priority, but we do need to be a priority.
Be able to accept QA feedback with a grain of salt.Good feedback is nit-picky. It's hard to look at a document you take pride in and see it marked up with possibly subjective errors. People who do QA are paid to find errors and usually will.
Ready and willing to work your own schedule.As an independent contractor you have the flexibility to make your own schedule. Once you've made your schedule, it's important you stick to it and give notice if you need to change it.
What to expect from our application and testing process
We understand that pre-hire testing is a drag. Here's the entirety of our screening process and what you can expect along the way.
- Upon clicking the link below you'll be prompted to complete a short questionnaire that provides details about your transcription experience and the type of work you're looking for. You'll also be able to attach your resume.
- Once the questionnaire is complete you will be given three short tests to gauge your knowledge in medical terminology, abbreviations, medications and English/grammar. Once you've completed the online test we will review the results and if favorable, a transcription test will be emailed to you, usually within a few hours.
- Upon receiving your completed dictation test we will send an email acknowledging that it has been received. Once it's been graded we will follow up with you regardless of the results. Hopefully we will be looking for a good time to schedule a telephone interview with our hiring manager.
- Plan for about 60 minutes at most for a phone call with our hiring manager. During this time we will go through your test results, talk about our positions available and discuss potential pay. If we're a good match for each other, we'll likely schedule an install too.
Recruiting department hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. While we may be able to help with technical issues during your testing process we cannot discuss items such as pay or account openings prior to receiving your pre-hire test results.